Fishponds Primary Care Centre, Beechwood Road
Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3TD
0117 908 2360
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Zero Tolerance to Violence

We strongly support the NHS policy on zero tolerance. Anyone attending or contacting the surgery who abuses the Nurses, GPs, Staff or other patients be it verbally, physically or in any threatening or intimidating manner whatsoever, will risk removal from the practice list. In extreme cases we may summon the police to remove offenders from the practice premises. Any incident involving violence will be reported to the police, as well as the CCG, and the patient will be removed from our list. If this should occur then it is the responsibility of the patient to seek a new GP practice to register with.

Please note that all staff have been asked to report any incident to the Partners and the Management of the Practice so appropriate action can be taken.

We will not register patients who have previously been removed from the practice for abusive or violent behaviour.
















By Visual Productions Ltd