Fishponds Primary Care Centre, Beechwood Road
Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3TD
0117 908 2360
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Recording Consultations

Whilst Beechwood Medical Practice cannot place restrictions on a patient wishing to make notes or a recording of a consultation or conversation with a member of the clinical team when it is felt absolutely necessary by the patient to do so, we as a team expect that:

  • Any recording is done openly and honestly
  • The recording process does not interfere with the consultation process, or the treatment or care being administered
  • The patient is aware that an entry will be made in their healthcare record that they have recorded the consultation (or care being provided)
  • The patient understands the private and confidential nature of the recording and that it is their sole responsibility to ensure it is kept safe and secure
  • The recording is being made for personal use only
  • Any misuse of the recording, including using it to harass, intimidate or threaten Beechwood Medical Practice staff, may result in criminal or civil proceedings

At the end of the consultation, the clinician can ask the patient to provide a copy of the record, if they wish, so that this can be added to the patient’s healthcare record to form a permanent record of the consultation and what was discussed.









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