Fishponds Primary Care Centre, Beechwood Road
Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3TD
0117 908 2360
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Friends & Family Test Results

Month Very
Good Neither good
nor poor
Poor Very
Total Extremely
June-24 249 35 5 8 10 2 309 92%
May-24 326 36 7 6 10 4 389 93%
Apr-24 288 34 8 8 6 3 347 93%
Mar-24 278 38 8 8 9 2 343 92%
Feb-24 249 29 5 1 4 2 290 96%
Jan-24 342 44 7 3 7 5 408 95%
Dec-23 181 27 7 3 3 2 223 93%
Nov-23 278 18 5 3 10 3 317 93%
Oct-23 453 43 7 2 9 6 520 95%
Sep-23 391 25 13 6 5 2 442 94%
Aug-23 318 32 5 5 4 1 365 96%
Jul-23 258 43 7 3 7 1 319 94%
Jun-23 290 22 6 4 5 2 329 95%


By Visual Productions Ltd